
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Bad Panda. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Bad Panda. Kuva kõik postitused


Berlinist – My Darling Grace / No Love Song (2011)

Bad Panda/ Music Archive

Drone pop Art pop Indie pop Alternative pop Electronic Baroque pop

See taies koosneb kahest loost -- paarist pealtnäha erinevast armastusloost. Ühte lugu esitab meeshääl ning teist laulab klaveri saatel naisterahvas -- see on sarnane Alika Milova Eurovisiooni looga, kuigi jah, Bad Panda kaitsva varju all välja antud loos on märkda rohkem artistlikku vabadust ja hingamist kui harilikult lauluvõistluste lugudes. Mis tähendab seda, et emotsioon ei põle produktsiooni all tuhaks; teatavasti Bad Panda oli nullidate lõpus-kümnendate algul üks huvitavamaid singlitele ja EPdele keskendunud indiplatvorme. Põnev on kõrvutada konkreetseid lugusid -- kui Barcelonas resideeruva projekti maskuliinse esitusega loo pealkiri viitab sentimentaalsusele, ning ka esitusviis on kaeblik -- vokaali sügavus kohati tuleks justkui tõrre põhjast, siis naise esitatud lugu vastupidiselt jaatab armastuse olemasolu lõppu. Olles emotsioone vapralt ohjav -- loomulikult kõike seda rõhutab mõnusalt ujuv klaverikäik, mis teises pooles omandab tumedaid varjundeid -- kui ilus ja veenev on see kõik! Teist lugu viivad edasi programmeeritud trummitaldrikute sahinad, oreli monotoonsed akordid ning rütmimasina kasinad biidid -- ka see lugu areneb, rullub elegantselt valla ning kulmineerub uhkelt. Kokkuvõtvalt võib nentida, et tulemus on väga tasemel -- inspireeritud nii Mozart'ist kui Beach House'ist, nii Billie Holiday'st kui Tom Waits'ist, nii viktoriaanlikust kirjandusest kui kokkamisest.


Teamforest – Blind / Most Things Are Doomed (2010)

Bad Panda

Drone IDM Electronic music Acid techno Minimal techno

Paganama valus on seda kaheloolist teost kuulata -- mitte seepärast, et tegu oleks halva muusikaga. Hoopis vastupidi -- muusika on igati hea ning pärineb ajast, mis on kaugele selja taha jäänud, tuletades meelde surelikkust, mistõttu seesamune blogi toimib personaalse hauatähisena kaugemale tulevikku peegeldudes, tuletades meelde, et kui ruttu möödub aeg -- kümnendi tagused muusikasündmused ja väljalasked paistavad kauge minevikuna, kuigi jah, mäletades neid albumeid ning kuulamissündmusi eilsena; tuleks leida inimesed, kes oleksid nõus käesolevat missiooni jätkama siis, kui siinkirjutaja hauas mädaneb ning ootab viimsepäevakohust (lugege filosoofi Roomet Jakapi raamatust "Irratsionaalne" seda päätükki, mis räägib sellest, kuidas varauusaja filosoofid püüdsid isiku surmajärgses pimeduses samasuse printsiipi rakendada). Oleks ju ägedalt sitasti, kui Jumal heidaks seal ette, et miks sa nii sitasti arvustusi kribasid -- oleksid võinud ju paremini! No näiteks seda neetud kaheloolist üllitist Islandi plaadifirma Bad Panda all võinuksid kirjeldada teisiti kui droonivat IDM muusikat -- kui Silver Apples'i ekvivalenti nelikümmend aastat hiljem veelgi primitiivsemas vormis. Kasutasin siin Philipp Bückle muusika kirjeldamiseks termineid "acid techno" ja "minimal techno", tõsi, muusikaajaloolises määratluses ei ole tegu mitte eelpoolmainitud žanrite järjepidevuse kandjaga, vaid nende seestunud vormiga -- õieti söestunud vormiga, mille saatel metsamehed saaksid õhtuti lõkke ümber mehist tantsu vihtuda. Rääkigu veel keegi, et aega ei ole olemas -- et on vaid üks kestev olevik!


Slutet – Psykbryt / Vilse (2010)

Bad Panda/

Power pop Indie rock Alternative rock Electronic Remix Indietronica Art rock Indie folk Ambient pop

Lühikesele pealkirjale vaatamata on see üllitis üks paras pusle, mis ilmselt hõlmab kogu Rootsi bändi Slutet'i loomingut (erinevad EP'd pluss split k0NG'iga -- kellelt on kaks lugu) netileibeli Bad Panda all. Nagu klassikutele meeldib öelda -- on kah, st paras põhjamaine rosolje viirgavate tundepuhangute ja hillitsetud maastikega, mis näikse vaimujõudu ammutavat plaadifirma kodumaa ikooni Sigur Ros'i esteetikast. Hoolimata kohatisest eskperimentaalsusest on lood enamasti tuimad suva lood, mis ei jää meelde. Tõsi, avang "Tuner" on psühhedeelne pop, mis oma jõulise kruttimisega avaldab küll muljet. Ka lugu nimega "Psykbryt" on meeldejääv kuulamine -- äkki ka seepärast, et selle meloodia ja harmoonia meenutavad The Chi-Lites'i lugu "Have You Seen Her?". Teine nimilugu "Vilse" seevastu oma struktuurilt on toosama eelpoolmainitet toit -- alguses kalorivaesed oreliakordid, siis teises pooles arusaamatu umpa-umpa, mis justkui tahaks areneda Beirut'iks, ent ei söanda. Ja sinna maha ta jääb.


Nineteen Eight Eight -- Beach Flats EP (2011)

Bad Panda/

Chillwave Hypnagogic pop Glo-fi Vaporwave Electronic music Indietronica Organic electronica

Mõnikord heidetakse ühele või teisele taiesele ette tipphetkede või ekstaasi jõudmise puudumist. Käesolev 3-looline taies on sellest patust igatahes puhas -- see ainult tippudest koosnebki. Õndsad hetked on kinni püütud ja pandud korduma. Iseendid kordama. Kohtuvad  ja põimuvad stilistiliselt chillwave ning vaporwave. Üksteise peale kuhjatud vokaalkihid, mis hoiavad lõputult meeleolu -- kui seda lõputult korrata. Tõsi, vokaalharmooniaid lükkavad edasi rütmid ning lisavad õhku "pärishelid". Justkui mõnest eepilisest teosest on tipphetk ekstraheeritud; samas ka kontekstist välja rebitud ning seega uus elu antud. Kogemusele toetudes võib väita, et kestva ajalise faktori tõttu muutub algne taevas põrguks. Heledad pilved omandavad kiiskava varjundi ning hakkavad silmi ja kõrvu ahistama. Kõrvaussist kasvab madu, mis uuristab ja hakkab mürki pritsima. Seega kogemaks taevast ning nunnut kõrvaussikest tarbige seda mõõdutundlikuIt. Selle üllitise andis kord välja legendaarne singlitele ja EP-dele orienteerunud leibel Bad Panda.


Monday Night Fever – Rainbow Reef EP (2011)

Bad Panda/Free Music Archive

Cowbell indie Slacker pop Indie rock Alternative rock Psychedelic pop Chamber pop

Vajame kaasahaaravaid meloodiaid ja kõrvust-tõstvaid harmooniaid. Kas ikka vajame? Kas mitte kõike madaldav autotune-inin ei ole see uus norm, mille järgi peame joonduma? Kreeka projekti 4-looline ei tunnista seda, kuivõrd kümnendi tagune ajastu pakkus teistsuguseid väljakutseid; siis kui elules kaks plaadifirmat -- Beko DSL ja Bad Panda --, kes üllitasid intrigeerivat indimuusikat peamiselt iganädalaste singlitena. Monday Night Fever'i käesolev muusika on kohati segu kohmakast lehmakella-indist ja lõnguserokist, kohati vastupandamatust laulukirjutamisest, mis äratab ellu Peter Sarstedt'i ja Lee Hazlewood'i pärandi (aga konkreetselt mainitakse Spiritualized'i, Flaming Lips'i, Curtis Mayfield'i, The Velvet Underground'i, Nick Drake'i, Tom Waits'i, Belle And Sebastian'it, Erik Satie't. Kujutate ette, kui lõngused hakkavad südamest laulma ja tundeid väljendama? Oeh, jah, kõrvust-tõstev ja silmipimestav on see muusika. See baritonsentimentaalsus liigutab ning on siiras.


akaUno – [Bad Panda 085] (2011)

  • Indietronica 
  • Electronic music 
  • IDM 
  • Alternative 
  • Glitchtronica 
  • Cowbell indie

Comment: this batch of two compositions chimes like having no existence, as if coming from nowhere, as if reflecting upon objects which did exist somewhere uncountable days ago. In an ordinary sense, this invisible flow of sonic waves does not exist yet this configuration is always over there to be activated for one's pleasure if needed. Indeed, it was issued in 2011 by Bad Panda, it is a year which seems to be a bit within our grasp, and a bit beyond it. Much water has streamed within the river bed since then. The opening track Sunday Market is saturated with glistening rays as if a strong, radiant reflection by such combos as Mouse On Mars, Kreidler, Hood, To Rococo Rot who did like to make up love affairs with intelligent dance music, krautrock, indie and post-rock. The composition is intense and tight, all of its slots are filled in with blissful yet a little bit poisonous magic. The other track called Hidden Leaves can be considered just an accompaniment of Sunday Market yet it is a fine sequence. The guitars are less ambivalent, the tempo is more slowed down and restrained and the intensity of the first track has disappeared. It is a reflection of something which slowly fades away after having experienced the apotheosis. It is called cowbell indie, isn't? Nice.


Andrea – Bedtime Stories EP (2012)

  • Design pop 
  • Electronic pop 
  • Remixes 
  • Alternative pop 
  • Post-dubstep 
  • Poptronica 
  • Synthwave

Comment: Paris, France-based artist Andrea`s (or AndreaLo) 7-track issue involves 2 original compositions and 5 remixes of a track, Work the Middle. With regard to the song titles and some voluptuous sighs within it this does have implicit suggestions at oral sex (Work the Middle, Going Down) and I guess the remixes depict a stage when a human being is inflected with a human papilloma virus and prone to different types of head and neck cancer. If to let that black humour aside I have to admit I like it. The album I mean, of course. I enjoy it though I am quite suspicious about the so-called design pop (which often embraces post-dubstep vibes within it) being very predominant today. You know one could produce it in his/her cellphone very easily and mostly is excessively polished and artificial. At times it lacks soul and spirit. Fortunately this case is mostly spirited and enjoyable to live up to one`s expectations. One is sure Andrea is indifferent toward post-dubstep neither substantially nor formally (at Bandcamp you can find out his version of James Blake`s I Never Learnt To Share). Work the Middle is remixed by such artists/producers as Kodak To Graph, Kyson, Real, Grobbie, and Splinter. The issue is a bit in the discography of Bad Panda. 


Aires - Fantasma (2015)

  • Ambient drone
  • Drone
  • Epic
  • Ambient
  • Dark ambient
  • Experimentalism
  • Avant-garde
  • Ambient noise
  • Microtonal
  • Minimalism

Comment: Portugal-based Vitor Bruno Pereia aka Aires & Rui. P. Andrade`s Pânico-Ambiente was one of the top notches in the previous year where picturesque sonic landscapes were seamlessly interwoven with subtle white noise elements which ultimately appeared to be an idiosyncratic top notch. In fact, Aires continues to explore the direction within this 3-piece issue, however, by adding some new growing elements and tones to the blend. For instance, he exploits some robot-soaked sounds at Fantasma I, and manipulates with ominous vibes at Fantasma III thereby entering into the area of dark ambient (although the first two-three minutes are put down to a subtle electro-acoustic manipulation). All these elements used to spring up gradually as if a minimal music record with a specifically winding thread and point. Although the issue is pre-dominantly guitar driven the guitars are not a purpose on its own but just being an instrument which are subjugated to be sublimely manipulated and warped. The issue is a part of the discography of Bad Panda Records. In a nutshell, the result is a solid follow-up to Pânico-Ambiente.


The Parish of Little Clifton – Septemberish 7 (2011)

/Dream pop, Chillwave, Electronic pop, Poptronica, Alternative pop, Indietronica/

Comment: this 2-thread issue comes out of Agassiz, Canada from then-19-year-old producer whose tracks It`s Ok, Roseanne; Echo Island are technical and organic at the same time. Indeed, the listener can perceive those production traces impressed in the compositions, on the other side the compositions provide enough relaxing, dreamed-out (Echo Island) and thoroughgoingly earnest, even funny moments to pump up your mood with positive neurotransmitters (It`s Ok, Roseanne). It is just a case to provide some turns, some loops and some moody threads to start off the party and get everyone to calm down. I discovered the artist got inspiration from nature, more concretely, by enjoying the beauty of a couple of lakes nearby his place of residence. The issue is a part of the discography of the Bad Panda imprint.


CJ Lavoire – The First Of The Year (2007)

/Electronic pop, Tropical pop, Alternative dance, Poptronica, Electro-indie, Alternative pop/

Comment: CJ Lavoire is the nom de plume of Rome, Italy-based composer Valerio Franchi and the current track The First Of The Year comes out of his self-released issue Jump. Indeed, there is up just one though, lengthy six and half minute track. The issue involves brisk rhythms mixed up with some sonic effects and a guitar sustained part. All these elements are subordinated to the catchy melody line which is soft and slightly exotic and sultry on its own. The composition is the second one in the discography of Bad Panda Records. In a nutshell, are you ready to enjoy a solid pop ditty?


Skeleton Zoo - [BadPanda118] Skeleton Zoo (2012)

/Mood music, Post-pop, Sampledelic, Cinematic, Glo-fi, Electronica, Chilltronica, Dreamwave, Breaks, Epic/

Comment: oh yeah, it is great delight to arrive at the discography of Bad Panda, the label from Italy which is being a platform for many artists worldwide. If to gather all the tracks the imprint has issued over the years you can constitute a fine playlist for yourself. Furthermore, the record label is being truly popular if to check out the download rates at Soundcloud, and This is not the first entry by Skeleton Zoo (the duo of Steve Goodwin and Ezekiel “Zeek” Barnett from Albany, New York, USA) into the cloud of Recent Music Heroes and it is not surprising at all. For instance, this issue consisting of one track (More Various Flavors of Chip) is a truly mesmerizing one to embark on a new day when you can perceive gentle chilliness and humidity on the grass before the sun will reach the zenith to make them disappear. Sonorously, it is the sort of sample music which runs on touching vocal samples, arousing chord progressions and poignant rhythm shuffles. Believe me the result is truly psychedelic though the ingredients within it even might not to hint at that. Or even might do because som reed organ drones are crossed with ascending orchestrations thereby paving the path for something of a truly panoramic, cinematic and hyper realistic one. in In a word, to cut up and splice the chords and cadences in a proper way – it is the hardest work to do. It is superior beauty as if living in a world depicted on a brochure of the Jehovah`s Witnesses. In a word, it is an example of ideal pop/post-pop.  


LeeM – 404 Error EP(2013)

/Chilltronica, Alternative pop, Synth fusion, Indietronica, Mood music, Electronic pop, Synth funk/

Comment: London, UK-based Toby Leeming aka ANON aka LeeM´s 6-track issue is a graceful amalgamation of chirpy synth funk progressions and chilltronic anthems. Undoubtedly there are up some strong indie music influences which isn`t surprising at all regarding the British indie scene awesome tradition (for instance, Swings & Roundabouts getting quite close to Four Tet`s aesthetics; Amen is a mesmeric ambient tinged poptronic hover). Beatific synthesised plateaus used to rotate around funky paces in a spinning motion which in turn change their shape to create some new rhythmic patterns or seamlessly arrive at old ones in a way to prove diverting. In a word, the result is craftily balanced yet providing an effective found to the listener`s soul and body.                   


Kodak To Graph – Viso`l EP (2011)

  • Post-dubstep
  • Sampledelic
  • Downtempo
  • Art pop
  • Electronic pop
  • Cinematic
  • Crossover

Comment: this handful of pieces demonstrate different tendencies within modern club music and pop electronica inspired sonic world. The rhythms are induced at times by post-dubstep frequencies, at times offering up more downtempo-alike feeling. Kodak To Graph likes to scatter diverse elements to mix them into one whole thereafter. For instance, the listener can enjoy samples coming out of the soundtracks of the Bollywood scene and orchestrated beauties or taken from concrete/organic music and sacral music. Very amusing.


Útidúr - [BadPanda051] Útidúr (2010)

  • Baroque pop
  • Chamber pop
  • Indie pop
  • Art pop
  • Balkan folk
  • Epic
  • Alternative pop

Comment: Útidúr is an Icelandic combo whose a pair of tracks are taken from the album This Mess We`ve Made (2010). More concretely, it is a spellbinding listening because of providing cinematic chamber/baroque/Balkan folk/pop waltzes and chirping male-female interactive singing (Fisherman´s Friend), and on the other side, diving deeply into subtle melancholy which is epic and lamentable simultaneously (Grasping for Thoughts). The group have hinted to be influenced by such artists as Angelo Badalamenti, Calexico, Beirut, Ennio Morricone, however, they have managed to add their own, northern touch to the aforementioned artists` sound. 


A Victim Of Society – You’re Gonna Hate Me (2012)

  • Baggy
  • Alternative dance
  • Alternative pop
  • Rockabilly
  • Crossover
Outstanding tracks:
You’re Gonna Hate Me


Strayfolk - What Wouldn't I Do (2010)

  • Country
  • Singer-songwriter
  • Bluegrass
  • Americana
Outstanding tracks:
What Wouldn't I Do


Twos - Between Ones And Threes (2013)

  • Post-dubstep
  • Witch house
  • Chillstep
  • Alternative
  • Leftfield
  • Drag house
Outstanding tracks:
For You
How It Ended


Jauge- Jauge (2012)

  • Poptronica
  • Alternative dance
  • Dream pop
  • Electronic pop
  • Indietronica
Outstanding tracks:
Be Free

5/27/2013 - MadeInSF (2013)


/Urban music, Nu jazz, Chill out, Cinematic, Fusion, Crossover, Trip-hop, Hip-hop/

Comment: behind these 6 track issue is Antonino Musco, a Sicily-based producer residing in San Francisco at the moment. My first meeting with his music (the album Am I Scared? 2008) was through Jamendo approximately 4 years ago. I can vaguely remember for that he and some other musicians had gathered under the slogan "jazz against the mafia" or something like that. However, his sound continually rotates around Miles-alike trumpet driven (cool) jazz/fusion progressions with overt hints at hip-hop, trip-hop, chill out, downtempo, and soul. And those crispy rhythms make sense. Most of the tracks are embellished with female vocal lines (Hanna Rifkin, and Jessy Manuel), and these ones used to be usually gorgeous (for instance, Near You, and About Tonight). Despite a shitloads of stylistic dodges and stops the whole is an organic and seamless one. Very solid work.


Daniel Scotth - Lunar Thriller (2013)


/Electro disco, Club dance, Alternative dance, Electronic pop, Downtempo/

Comment: the debut issue Lunar Thriller by Daniel Scotth is a graceful drift between glacial-alike space downtempo vibes, and hypnotic electronic pop and measured electro disco propulsions. Indeed, it resembles a little bit the aesthetics of Giorgio Moroder, and Patrick Cowley, though, thanks to its crossed nature it is a tiny bit more than just a bare instance of disco pop. Undoubtedly it is worth to get the maximum points.